Vibroacustic therapy
The human body has been shown to be in continuous vibration. Atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs possess characteristic vibration frequencies that absorb and emit sound. Where two vibrating objects possess a similar vibration profile, which enables their frequencies to be interrelated and resonate with similar frequencies, there is a symstatic resonance between the objects and they form a resonance system. The body's molecular system atomic structure also has a resonance system.
A healthy body, the cooperation between all levels of the system (from cell to organ) is in balance. It is harmonious. As a result of stress, viruses, bacteria, overloads and other harmful external factors, the balance of the body's biological resonance system is disrupted, resulting in a decrease in immunity and disease. The body's system of cooperation becomes disharmonious.
The body-specific energy vibration paternity can be harmonised and help them return to their natural state of equilibrium with the help of a low-frequency sound-stimulating sympathetic resonance.
Research in Radioelectronics proves that people sound on the net only with their hearing but feel with their whole body, and music can act as their body vibrating frequency "Derailer", which for some reason (physiological or psychological stress, illnesses, Injuries, etc.) is outside of the resonance. (Crowe, 2004, referring to Scartelli, 1991, and Koepchen, 1992)
Atoms, cells and organs are characterised by their own vibration paternity, which can be harmonized with external stimuli, creating a symtic vibration in the body's molecular and cellular cells. Thus, sounds that are consistent with body-based vibration paternity can provide a healing effect on emotions, organs, enzymes and hormone systems, and cells.
So, a phenomenon that ensures the impact of music on the human body is the ability to synchronize the biological rhythm of the music and body, through the process of synchronising the system of the human body, due to the biological Rhythmic and vibration span range according to the frequency and rhythm range of the music soundtrack.
Based on this opinion, vibrating acoustic music therapy is built on, where the music and sound are applied, as audio and vibration stimuli transmitted to the body to achieve physical and psychological therapeutic goals. (Wigram & Dileo 1997, referring to Eagle,1996)
As is known, the human ear is able to perceive the sound frequencies in the range of 16 to 25 000 Hz. Vibroacoustic therapy uses low, audible 20 -120 Hz.
The "Vibrationist" is the Norwegian therapist and educator – Olafs Skille (1968). He, working with children who suffered from serious physical and mental health problems, whose symptoms had a strong traumatizing muscle spasticity, revealed that with low frequency vibration, a reduction in muscle spasm can be achieved and The whole body's relaxed condition. He began to construct equipment that he called "sound baths", and in 1982 this method was defined as a sinusoidal (pure, single-frequency sound without any slats), low frequencies (30-120 Hz), sound-pressure wave and music mix applications Therapeutic purposes. Skille said that massage of the "bass tone" can help to reduce pain, muscle spastics and other symptoms, including stress-related symptomatology. (Punkanen M., Ala-Ruona E. 2012, referring to Skille O., Wigram T., 1995)
Today, low-frequency sound vibration therapy, or vibratory acoustic therapy (VAT), is widely practised worldwide with a modern, comfortable installation (VAT, bed or mobile equipment), and is based on a multimodal approach, which means that Rapeits works with both the client's physiological and psychological experience by combining three therapeutic components:
- Low-frequency sound vibration,
- Listening to music
- Therapeutic interaction
The connection of these three components allows the client's emotional, cognitive and social problems to be achieved in close connection with bodily functions and feelings to find solutions to the therapeutic process. (Punkanen M., Ala-Ruona E. 2012)
The pooled clinical reports and studies of the positive effects of Vibroacoustic care indicated in the following main areas of clinical indication:
- Chronic pain – muscles, back, neck, shoulder, menstrual, headache, migraine, polyarthritis, rheumatism, fibromyalgia,
- Various troublesome muscle conditions – tension, overload, spasticity, rigidity, etc.
- Cerebral stroke, multiple sclerosis, rare syndrome,
- Stress-impacted chronic skin disease (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis)
- Breathing difficulties – asthma, cystic bibrosis, chronically obstructive pulmonary disease,
- Post-operative rehabilitation – e.g. replacement of joints, etc.,
- Chronic neurological diseases – Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease,
- Sleep disturbances
- Eating disorder,
- Acute and chronic stress, fatigue, burn syndrome,
- Psychological problems – anxiety, mood swings, behavioural disturbances, learning difficulties, etc.
- Psychiatric illness — depression, etc.
Vibroacoustic therapy is not recommended if the client/patient has:
- Acute inflammatory conditions
- Psychotic condition
- Pregnancy
- Haemorrhage, haemorrhage (excluding menstrual)
- Thrombosis
- Hypotension – blood pressure is not regularly higher than 90/60 Hg
- Electrocardiostimulators